Hello World

This is my first Blog-Entry ever made. So hello. I'm a girl from Germany. I work as a software Developer. I know a lot but not enough about C# and WPF and make Industrial software for machinery and bookkeeping. I love playing games, modding and tinkering. Thanks to that I find a lot of random and obscure stuff in my daily life. I always wanted a way to document it. I just posted that stuff on Twitter or Reddit but as everyone knows after some time it gets archived on Reddit or drowns under other posts on Twitter. But I found that every few weeks I get a message about some things I did a while ago from people that need help with doing it them self and often the information was already archived or drowning in other posts. Now I have a Webpage to document everything I want. My plans for now is to take all the things I posted in the past and post them here (with some updated information). After that I post from time to time stuff on here. Because I use GitHub for this Blog (and I m just lazy) there is no comments function. Checking ever comment if it is clean and not dangerous takes to much time (and as already mentioned, I'm L-A-Z-Y). If you have something to add just message me on Twitter or GitHub (look at the 'CONTACT"-Page) and I will update the Blog-entry if needed or add your comment.

If you are wondering what my Blog icon is:

It is the main character of a game I started to develop around a year ago. I'm not working on it at the moment but that can change in the future. Here are a view Images from her (Blurry and watermarked. I don't want someone to steal my stuff again (happend in the past already. And yes I know the sprites don't look all that good but anyways. If that annoys you I did my job right 😛)):

Blurry and Watermaked Sprite-Set of my Character