Unihertz Titan Slim - GSI's and Modding

It's me again trying to mod Unihertz Titan Phone. But this time all of the sesearch and documentation work was already done by rumplestilzken @ Github with absolutely great tools and documentation. This entry is only to show in what order I did everything and how it worked out. This one will be written more like a continues Blog entry because I'm writing this over the time I wait for the phone to arrive until I have it modded and working. Last time I modded a Unihertz and wrote an entry about it I primarily did research and testing. The development and reverse engineering was already done by others, just not in one place and all over the internet.

This time no stupid UFS and EMMC stuff. Only my Linux PC, a VM with Ubuntu and easy to follow guide form rumplestilzken. Just doing everything rumplestilzken documented! THANKS AGAIN TO THEM! YOU ARE DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB!!!

As last time, it is important that you have all files prepared, the phone charged and a working SP Flash Tool!!!

If somthing goes wrong reflash the original file with the bootloader or, if not accessible, SP Flash Tool. In most cases vbmeta, boot.img or the super.img.

I want to make clear again that this is ONLY a documentation on how I followed rumplestilzken documentation's and did this mod to my phone. Not more! All the hard work and hours of reverse engineering, programming and documenting were done by rumplestilzken @ Github.

As usual and always on the internet: If you do this kind of BS it is always at your own risk. !OBVIOUSLY!

What I did and how it went:

And that was pretty much it. Now everything works great. The super.img situation on modern android makes updating GSI's even more annoying especially because you need to create a super.img everytime and then still need to apply all the keyboard files again after booting the first time after the update. Rumplestilzken offers finished GSI's on there Github. With them you only need to create the super.img. No need to any of the steps after step 4.

A lot of Thanks to rumplestilzken for documenting, creating tools and workarounds, for all the research and especially for the help and proofreading of my steps during the modding process. You made this modding process so much less painful, so much safer and easier, especially with your mksuper-tool and the gargoyle-GSI's!

A lot of settings and modifications I do to Android after insalling everthing (stuff like ACCA, AdAway, ...) can be found in my old Blogpost about the OG Unihertz Titan UFS and GISs and Android 13: /Blog/2022.08.07_Unihertz_Titan_GSI_UFS/Unihertz_Titan_GSI_UFS.html
