Rework and relocation of my lovely Website

I have reworked some parts of my website, making it as "releativ" as possible (and fixing some jank where possible). This will make moving as easy as possible. Moving? YES! I will move my website to its own domain. It's currently hosted on the GitHub pages, but I want to move it to its own domain and host. The name and links will probably change. Most of it is still in the works. I am just happy that the site now only uses relative paths. A lot of things are still not perfect, but good enough for a hobby project. If I could fix these few things, my site would not need Javascript. The problem is that I still have not found a way to make everything modular without using external libraries. And if you wanted to use only HTML and CSS right now, I would be reusing a lot of code and not be able to change the header for example on the fly without changing everything. I know, I know, static HTML websites are not meant to be used like this, but I want to. If I could do it without overloading browsers and using external libraries, I would go the other way and put everything in a DB and only load from there with basic Javascript. Unfortunately without external stuff this is not easy to do (in a reasonable amount of time for a hobby blog). Well, this is it for now. As soon as I'm done with the moving the website, I'll update a few pages and create a simple page to offer users a redirect from here to the new site. Everything will still be OpenSource, of course ;).