Adding Sound-Effects to Sway, Hyprland and other Tilling-WM's

I wanted to add sound effects to my Sway desktop for different actions like ScreenLock and similar things. Thanks to the way most dot-File WMs work, you can add commands to almost any action. There is a little program that lets you play music in your terminal called sox. It has a command called "play". You can use this to play a sound when you start your sway season, for example:

exec_always sleep 3 && play '/home/XXXX/.config/sway/Files/Audio/SFX/Windows_XP-Startup.wav'

Or if you want a notification sound you can add this script to your swaync config. Here you need to run a bash script for the sound, because swaync has some restrictions on what the commands in the config can do:


... "scripts": { "sound-script": { "exec": "bash /home/XXXX/.config/sway/swaync/", "app-name": ".*" } }, ...

#!/bin/bash play '/home/XXXX/.config/sway/Files/Audio/SFX/Windows_XP-Notify.wav'

And the last thing to do is to add sounds to hotkeys or actions in your wm. This is relatively easy; You need to put the play command before or after the original command and either, "&&" to do one thing first and then the other, or a "&" to do both commands at the same time. For example:

Start steam and play Sound at the same time:

bindsym $mod+s exec steam & play '/home/XXXX/.config/sway/Files/Audio/SFX/Reverb_Fart.mp3'

Play sound and then close sway:

bindsym $mod+m exec play '/home/lisa/.config/sway/Files/Audio/SFX/Windows_XP-Shutdown.wav' && sway exit

Have fun with your own soundpack :D. I made myself a Meme dot-File-Setup that has almost all the Windows XP sounds xD. To be honest. I kinda like a lot of the sounds Windows XP had and the things like screen lock or notification sounds from XP are really present and clearly signal what you just did without looking.
