Expecting Software/Hardware is wrong

What do I mean by that? I mean expecting people to have an Android/iPhone phone with the Play-Store/App-Store on it so you can download a stupid data-harvesting app so you can get your concert tickets (if you know who I mean, you know who I mean). It doesn't even stop at private companies, even the government expects you to have one these days.

I can understand that 99.9% of people have phones, so you can expect them to be able to download a service, but it should not be like this. Some people just do not want to use Android and have an IOS device or even rarer, use Ubuntu Touch or something. Yes, I know they are the outliers, but forcing them into a proprietary system to do things is wrong, or expecting them to have a phone at all.

Schools should not be able to force their students to use a copy of a spyware operating system like ChromeOS on a waste machine, or to have a spyware operating system like Windows at all, which is also security nightmare.

No one is asking anyone to support 1,000,000 different platforms, architectures and operating systems, but with all the cross platform tools at our disposal, there is no good reason to write a stupid app that only works on a specific configuration of software and hardware. Web apps (which can run offline, by the way, I do not ask for online services) can do the job just as well, and more often than not the apps are just a shitty electron apps with some stupit checks for the system.

The best thing is that many services that require an app to access them (like concert tickets) are tied to an account, so, why do I need the app, if I can just launch the web browser and access my shit that way? Because its locked behind your app thats also just a memory eating browser.

You get it, I am pissed. This has happened so many times in the last few months and I am definitely not alone with this thought.