I took a small break from RE//POSSESSED and modded some Wii-Stuff, see last entry, and build a script for my Website. that helps updating certain things.
Sadly the footer (because of File-Date-Change), the Blog-Page (Because of formatting) and the RSS-Feed (because of the custom Text for each entry) can not be automated without a lot more code but it helps a lot not needing to update the Archive and the Sitemap.
Well that escalated quickly. I made the script so extensive, the only thing I need to do now to write the entry... xD.
Now that is what I call a pipeline.
It took me around 2 days and 2 friends to get all this text modification code to work, but it was worth it!
A lot has happened in the last 9 month of development. The base framework is done and all base systems are in place. Stuff like the save system, level change, stats saving and a menu can only be coded at the end of development because of the complexity of the scenes and there states. That will make development for those features harder but there is no good way around it.
The custom Dialog system, custom audio system, and custom inventory system is finished and manly needs the Assets now. Much of the current development time (the last 2 or 3 weeks) is focused on the audio Assets (meaning SFX, Music and ambiance) and world building / NPC' and there needs. Items and custom scripts that slot into the framework are build on the way. The framework should allow fast development on that front thanks to all the exposed API's in the interaction's framework.
The Enemy path finding system needs a different tick-rate codded in because of known performance issues in Godot's path finding library. More information, stuff like what, what is the game about, the world, the game systems, some music, more screenshots and most importantly what kind of game it will be will be anounced soon (TM).
So viel schon einmal vorweg: Es wird ein Immersive sim aus der Egoperspektive mit einer noch nie dagewesenen Steuerung.