I'm very happy to officially announce RE//POSSESSED (Not final name). A webpage with screenshots, social media presence and a gameplay showcase video go online at the same time this entry gets published.
This is not a release or a Demo, not yet, but the development has progressed far enough that a release is actually visible on the timeline. A not insignificant amount of money and and a lot of time has already and still will be invested. From now on the devolvement can be publicly followed and also gets promoted on social media (because modern marketing works like this I guess).
I hope you are as excited as I am/we are!
I have put much work is into this project and I really hope I can make my dream game a realty.
To all my friend that helped me getting this far: THANK YOU! I love you all so much and this would have not been possible without you!
ALL information to that project will from now on be only posted over at the subdomain:
Is not like there where much information here anyway except for some time small dev snippets.