This is outdated. More updated information: /Blog/2023.10.16_No_Desktop_Is_Ready_For_Ultrawide/No_Desktop_Is_Ready_For_Ultrawide.html
I wanted to run my triple screen gaming setup on Linux, unfortunately I had to do a lot of research to find a way to do it. I tried several desktops (GNOME, Wayfire, ...) and the only one with the performance AND configuration for it was KDE. After a lot of research I wrote a KWin script that changes the position and size of the focused window. It is extremely simple. For most games I just use Gamescope to force them into the resolution. Very often I have to change some things in the games config files for the resolution and the FOV (standard ultrawide / triple screen gaming stuff LOL :S).
The KWin-Script and the gamescope command's:
Also: Why is the documentation for KWin scripts so bad? It is actually hard to find things about it , how to do things in general and what APIs there are... .